Meet Charles Muma, Founder and CEO of Youth Vision Golden Solutions International Organization. Charles is a child youth care professional, innovator, financial accounting and inventory specialist.
About Project
Our projects aim is to raise awareness in the under priviladged youths, the poor, widows, orphans and street kids in Zambia on the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse among the youths. Child labour, human immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), Tuberculosis (T.B), Manutrition, early pregnancies & marriages has well as promoting education & gender not forgetting also community health programs inclusive and youth living with disabilities
Our Project Objective
Our project objective is to minimize the cases of drug and alcohol abuse by education and sensitization in the community To also minimize cases of child labour and to economically empower vulnerable youths and support entrepreneurship for youths. We also want to promote girl and boy child education by securing school places and support for the under privileged families in the community. To support community schools, community health centers, community training centers and to put up youth rehabilitation centers for the better and acceptable good results in the society.
To provide training for youths on bad behaviour and to promote traditional and cultural awareness of our mother Zambia.
Area of Operation
We shall operate in all provincial cities (10 privincies) in Zambia.